Tribal Wars Stats: no27: Rankings

ID Name Owner Points Location Continent
86 -- Barbarlandsby Junior1 12,154 502|495 K45
4651 -- N004 Heimdal Junior1 12,154 496|444 K44
4654 -- N005 021 Junior1 12,154 498|443 K44
3731 -- W016B Kissland Junior1 12,154 451|513 K54
2934 -- W017B Blue Streak 16 Junior1 12,154 459|517 K54
3974 0.2 - 002 Stålhanske 12,154 474|456 K44
3427 0.2 - 005 Stålhanske 12,154 482|455 K44
3508 0.2 - 006 Stålhanske 12,154 482|454 K44
3481 0.2 - 007 Stålhanske 12,154 484|454 K44
4325 0.2 - 008 Stålhanske 12,154 469|455 K44
3803 0.2 - 009 Stålhanske 12,154 478|454 K44
4495 0000 019 Junior1 12,154 513|445 K45
101 0000 C001C Prev HBT Junior1 12,154 510|494 K45
3747 0000 NØ006 014 The fourth reich Junior1 12,154 508|450 K45
2569 0000 W003 Bonuslandsby Junior1 12,154 457|505 K54
1546 0005 | Project Collect The Mercenary 12,154 492|532 K54
337 0006 | Project Collect The Mercenary 12,154 490|527 K54
980 0007 | Project Collect The Mercenary 12,154 490|524 K54
1493 001 roxor 12,154 529|488 K45
144 001 LDepends landsby Stålhanske 12,154 496|500 K54
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2024-04-20 05:10:28 CEST

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